January 15, 2024 0 By yiseyon

                                               HOW TO DO EGG ROLL?

Do you want to start making Egg roll in home for personal use or you want to do it commercially. Here is what you need to know.

If you want to become your own boss by selling Egg roll to local retailers or to people around you, you have come to the right place. This guide will let you know how you can start making your own egg roll in your home as well as commercially. The followings are the different ingredients you will buy before start making your egg roll.

  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Eggs (unboiled and boiled)
  • Baking powder

Now, you have known the ingredients, how will you go about it? It is simple and easy. If you want to make 4 egg rolls

Put 8 cups of flour, 12 teaspoons of baking powder, salt and 5 unboiled eggs into a bowl and after that, mix all together gradually with warm water. Knead well the mixture on a lightly floured surface till it become soft and elastic. Leave it for about 1 hour. Boil the remaining eggs and peel them, cut the pastry into 4 and roll each one round each egg. After that, fry it in an oiled plate.

Put your egg rolls in show glace in front of your shop and sell it to people around you. I’m sure that you will make quiet money through it.

If this is your main business or you are planning to do this kind of business, I would like to hear from you in comment section below.